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Drink a Dram with Delin: In Person Scotch Tasting at GOTCHF
Drink a Dram with Delin... in person this time! Delin shows us the whisky's that will be at GOTCHF's scotch tasting for you to review.

A Couple of Newby’s are Back with a Guide to GOTCHF! (Bless you!)
We get it- it can be overwhelming to put together all the pieces of what GOTCHF looks like. Kari & Karali give us the Newby guide to GOTCHF.

Dreaming Cactus Design CO, GOTCHF Artisan Vendor
Payton Butterwick, owner/creator of Dreaming Cactus Design CO, tells us the history and connections behind her gemstone jewellry.

COVID Greeting from Cabot's Crossing
Dominic from Cabot's Crossing shares what life has been like for the band since COVID hit.
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